Refractory felt

Due to the material's excellent thermophysical properties based on ceramic fiber (refractory fiber), significant energy savings can be achieved, especially in the context of constant energy costs increasing. Refractory felt made by European manufacturer Morgan Advanced Materials is one of the above-mentioned materials. Felt is obtained by hot pressing with the addition of organic binders to make the product denser. Only high-quality raw materials and advanced technological processes are used in production, due to which the materials (refractory felt) obtain excellent thermophysical characteristics.

Application of felt based on ceramic fiber (refractory fiber) enables to solve almost all issues associated with high-temperature lining and thermal insulation, namely: in die moulds production, application as high-temperature layer and heat barriers, etc.

The main properties and characteristics of refractory felt are as follows: chemical stability, resistance to high temperatures, dimensional accuracy, low heat capacity and others. Working temperatures of heat-insulating felt range up to 1320 0C.

Refractory felt (refractory fiber) has a number of perfect features that outrun the obsolete chamotte and asbestos materials by affordable prices and can be successfully applied in upgrading and repairing of lining and thermal insulation of industrial units.