Refractory brick ША 45

Price: on request

Among the widely available range of construction refractory products, we are going to pay your attention to chamotte wedge-shaped brick ША 45. Compliance with the two-phase (burning and cooling) process of manufacturing this brick and the use of quality raw materials in properly selected proportions, determine its operational performance and safety in various areas of construction.

chamotte refractory brick.

Classification temperature:
maximum temperature up to 1800 0C.

chamotte brick ША 45 of smooth texture, solid, ribbed wedge shape,sandy yellow color with small  granular inclusions, has a relatively small mass and weighs 3 kg 100 grams;
universal size of brick ША 45: length is 230 mm, width is 114 mm, height is 65 and 55 mm (cone-shaped) improves the aesthetic and geometric processes of masonry of rounded domes and arches;
with a mechanical strength of 10-12 MPa, refractory construction brick ША 45 can split on impact (if the brick crumbles, the manufacturing technology is incorrect);
the effective porosity of chamotte brick ША 45 is no more than 30%;
the thermal conductivity of chamotte brick ranges from 0,6 to 0,7 W/mK fire resistance not less than 1690 0C;
with an aluminium oxide content of at least 30 percent, refractory brick ША 45 can be resistant to many corrosive environments;
with its water-resistant qualities, ША 45 retains a percentage of water absorption of no more than 7%;
the density of bricks ША 45 is 1,87 g/m3, and the compression resistance is at least 15 N/mm2.

Due to its high technological characteristics, refractory brick  ША 45 is interesting to the consumer as a construction material for high-temperature usage.