High-temperature glue ТИ-1К-Х

Price: on request
* the minimum amount is 15 kg.

The products we supply, namely high-temperature glue ТИ-1К-Х is single-component, self-hardening composite mix, that consists of inorganic elements and additives in the form of metal oxides. It has highly efficient operating characteristics.

high-temperature glue ТИ-1К-Х is light a greenish suspension.

Classification temperature
operating temperature is 1250 0C.

The suggested fireproof glue has a high demand among the Ukrainian buyer and is widely used in various work processes, for example:
• as a direct refractory glue for gluing various refractories, such as burner blocks and ceramic products;
• as a refractory compound ( mortar) for firebricks, during burner lining and thermal equipment of various types;
• as a material used for repair work on the lining of various types of thermal generating units;
• density of refractory glue ТИ-1К-Х is 1,4-1,55 g/cm3.

High functionality in the use of refractory glue does not provide rules for special consideration, as the suspension is free of toxic and flammable substances. Freely used in various Ph environments (acid, alkaline, neutral); has high anti-corrosion properties. Air temperature fluctuations in the manufactories with high-temperature glue can vary from +5 to +60 0C, and the humidity is maintained at 85%. At the beginning of the use of refractory glue ТИ-1К-Х provides for thorough mixing. Since the material is easy to apply with a brush, a trowel and even a pulverizer, the recommendations for cleaning (pass through the filter), heating and percentage of water (5% of the volume at pulverization) should be followed. This will accelerate and qualitatively improve the execution of working processes with glue. The refractory compound is always applied to dry, defatted and fully cleaned work surfaces. Methods of chemical or thermal impact will accelerate the process of drying the glue, as the usual drying at room temperature lasts up to 24 hours, and the final is a little over 72 hours. Required multiple-coated application of refractory glue TI-1K-X (no more than 1 millimeter each further coat), provides full drying of the previous one. The recommended high-temperature glue should be used during the warranty period (6 months) from the date of delivery.

Refractory glue TI-1K-X is delivered in 60 kg barrels or packed in 15 kg containers.