Another The Bright World of Metals exhibition-conference, which takes place once every 4 years, was held in Dusseldorf on June 16-19. The trade quartet of international metallurgical fairs took part in the event: Gifa, Metec, Thermprocess and Newcast.
The power of the metallurgical industry was represented by about 2,200 participants from 56 countries, who defined new perspectives with their machines, factories and innovative solutions. Some of the most discussed topics were sustainability, digitalization, circular economy, new production technologies and artificial intelligence. The main emphasis was placed on the network exchange of ideas and experiences, which allowed participants to gain valuable insights and expand professional knowledge.
The management of Inventum Ukraine is taking part in the international The Bright World of Metals exhibition-conference in Dusseldorf for the third time. After visiting the event, our technical director familiarized himself with:
1) manufacturers and suppliers of pipeline fittings, including those with a diameter of 1000-1600 mm for various environments (necessary for the implementation of a large project in Ukraine), from Germany, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg;
2) new achievements regarding fire-resistant and heat-resistant coatings (mastics, mixtures): from the USA - elastic refractory coating for dense refractories, ceramic fiber and metal with low thermal conductivity and with an operating temperature of up to 1300 C; from China - a heat-resistant coating with extremely high resistance to abrasive wear at temperatures up to 6500 C;
3) new materials made of ceramic and aluminum fiber for use in units with an operating temperature of more than 1400-1500 C: modular blocks, bricks, boards from manufacturers from China and the Netherlands;
4) fastening systems for electric heaters made of refractory ceramics and refractories: manufacturers from Denmark, Slovenia, Germany;
5) innovative materials from Morgan Advanced Materials: Superwool board for a working temperature of 1600 C, which can be used as a working layer for lining cast iron ladles, etc.;
6) interesting German systems for the organization of convective mixing of the atmosphere in low-temperature furnaces and heating/cooling of production;
7) new modern burners of various capacities (up to 50 MW) for various types of gaseous and liquid fuels (manufacturer from Turkey).
In addition, we got acquainted with many interesting achievements of manufacturers of various furnaces, pyrometers and optical equipment for high-temperature processes, manufacturers of anchor fasteners and recuperators, auxiliary equipment (furnace loaders, shotcrete machines, concrete pumps, lining dismantling works, etc.).
We plan to implement the acquired knowledge and experience at industrial enterprises of Ukraine in order to improve and modernize production technologies. Inventum Ukraine applies a complex approach to solving problems related to the improvement of thermal units of our customers. Therefore, the introduction of innovative technologies and materials makes it possible to recoup the investments spent on modernization in a short period of time.