Refractory brick ША 5

Price: on request

Refractory brick ША 5 is a clear leader among the popular materials of increased refractory of this category, that introduced to the implementation.

chamotte refractory brick.

Classification temperature:
maximum temperature up to 1690 0C, initial deformation temperature 1300 0C.

• chamotte brick ША 5 has a smooth texture, solid with a mass of 3,4 - 3,6 kilograms;
• length is 230 mm, width is 114 mm, height is 65 mm;
• the mechanical strength of the brick ША 5 is 10-12 MPA;
• the effective porosity of ША 5 is no more than 30%;
• thermal conductivity is 0,6-0,7 W/mK;
• permanent linear shrinkage is no more than 0,8%;
• refractory brick ША 5 has a high durability and retains its qualities at low temperatures;
• ША 5 is not hygroscopic (water absorption coefficient is less than 7%);
• density prevens the formation of bloom and mold on the ША 5 brick.

The area of use of chamotte brick ША 5 is very versatile: from household construction of a private character (fireplaces, hearths, stoves, baths, chimneys, barbecues), to industrial construction, for example, in metallurgy for burner lining.