Refractory brick ША 8

Price: on request

Refractory brick ША 8 is a separate representative of a huge category of refractory products with high strength, fire resistance, long operating time and environmental safety. Therefore, it has priority demand in the refractory materials market.

chamotte refractory brick.

Classification temperature:
maximum temperature up to 1750 0C, initial deformation temperature - 1430 0C.

• chamotte brick ША 8 is straight, sandy yellow with a grain base, solid, having a smooth texture and weight of about 4 kg 300 grams;
• universal dimensions: length is 250 mm, width is 124 mm, height is 65 mm, so it makes it easier to masonry this refractory;
• compressive strength of the brick ША 8 is between 10 and 12 MPA (the material of this brick will not crumble on impact, but will only split);
• thermal conductivity is 0,6-0,7 W/mK;
• the effective porosity of ША 8 is 22%;
• aluminum oxide composition (mass content) is between 30 and 45% (but not less than 30%);
• refractory brick ША 8 is a water-resistant refractory (percentage of moisture absorption does not exceed 7%);
• the density of this article does not contribute to the growth of various types of mold and the formation of bloom on the brick ША 8.

Refractory brick ША 8, having high strength, resistance to negative (mechanical, chemical) environmental influences and simplicity of masonry, withstands repeated cycles of heating and cooling without losing its original qualities.

Refractory brick ША 8 is irreplaceable at performance of repair and building works of float chambers, heating boilers and the boiler equipment, various furnaces used in the chemical, porcelain, glass-blowing industry, and also in metallurgy (70% of the total production of refractories).

In the households, thanks to the low thermal conductivity (long-term preservation of heat), сhamotte brick ША 8 is used in masonry and interior decoration, to create a temperature-resistant surface, stoves, fireplaces, pipes, chimneys, baths, grills.