Morgan Advanced Materials offers high temperature modules (refractory blocks) with perfect thermophysical properties and reliable mechanical fasteners.
The manufacturing company offers two types of modules on the base of different kinds of fibers.
Refractory blocks Pyro-Fold, Pyro-Stack and Z-Blok® based on prepackaged and pressed mats of three fiber types:
• RCF is based on refractory ceramic mats Cerablanket (1260 0C), Cerachem and Cerachrome (1425 0C);
• PCW mats on the basis of polycrystalline fibers;
• AES ( Alkaline Earth Silicates ) mats based on biodegradable Superwool fiber.
The refractory block Pyro-Bloc® is the only single module on the market based on "monolithic" fiber of two types: RCF and AES.
All modules are simple to use and provide effective lining of thermal equipment, including industrial furnaces and boilers of various types.