Price: on request
Superwool Plus Blok sheets are made from Superwool Plus fibres, mineral fibres and a small amount of organic binder. Due to the high fibre content, Superwool Plus Blok sheets are strong, lightweight and thermal shock resistant. All grades of Superwool Plus Blok receive a water repellence treatment to prevent absorption of water or concrete binders. The panels must be installed so that the side with the product name is in contact with the concrete. When tested on this side, Superwool Plus Blok is classified as non hydrophilic (NF P 75-305). Thicknesses over 50mm are obtained by together two thinner sheets.
blok for back up insulation.
Classification temperature:
Superwool Plus Blok 800 - 800 0С
Superwool Plus Blok 1000 - 1000 0С
Superwool Plus Blok 1100 - 1100 0С
The maximum continuous use temperature depends on the application. Unaffected by most chemicals except strong alkalis, phosphoric acid and molybdenum. For further advise please contact your local Morgan Thermal Ceramics partner.
• Water repellent.
• Resistant to thermal shock.
• Low thermal conductivity.
• Precise geometry and close tolerances.
• Homogeneous structure, easy for machining.
• Non-brittle.
• High fibre content.
• Lightweight, low heat storage.
• Easy to install.
• Exonerated from any carcinogenic classification under nota Q of directive 97/69 EC.